​Thank you to all of our volunteering managers, we look forward to working with you this season!
'What's App' Group messages from the Club
Please speak to a committee member about being added to the Coaches and Managers (CAMS) Chat,
if you are not already included in this chat. The chat group is the main communication between the committee and CAMS.
CAMS group meetings
​Throughout the season, the committee will invite all CAMS to meetings as needed. Please note, we understand your time is valuable and we always aim to conclude the meeting within an hour. The meetings are beneficial and keep all CAMS up to date with all matters relating to the season.
Wet weather
When there is a risk of damage to pitches or injury to players, fields may be closed for play by local councils, clubs or referees.
- The club will use the CAMS chat to notify wet weather closures of training and home grounds soon as they are known.
- For weekend matches on away grounds, updates are posted by Football Canterbury (FC) through the website and app DRIBL. If a field does not have a CLOSED status against it then it is deemed to be OPEN.
- It also pays to check local council hotlines or websites for the most up-to-date ground status
The status will appear on DRIBL as one of the following:
PENDING: means the game is going ahead as per the details that appear on the draw, i.e.: date, time, field.
WASHOUT RESCHEDULE: means the field is closed, the game is washed out, and will be rescheduled to a later date.
WASHOUT CANCELLED: means the field is closed, the game is washed out and cancelled completely.
Match schedules
U8 & above – through Football Canterbury’s website and app DRIBL
Match sheets
Match sheets and player ID cards are electronic and managed through the DRIBL App.
Coaches and Managers still have physical ID cards that they need to display on match days**
Dribl – Guides for matchday support is found through here.
Football Canterbury explaining rules for borrowing players – please read carefully as fines and point deductions apply if these are breached. Please see Football Canterbury Rules off Association dated December 2023.
Match day procedures
Match day checklist for Managers/Coaches
Before you leave for the game (or the day before the game)
Confirm the time and location for the match in DRIBL
Check on wet weather status
Check the electronic Match sheet using the Dribl app or website
all players are added to match sheet
REQUIRED – click on the A next to each player and Team Official (Coach/Manager) that will be available so that it turns green – tap again to reverse
the maximum number of players you can mark as available is shown at the top of the match sheet screen (e.g. 16 for U12 and above)
the maximum number of Team Officials (Coaches and/or Managers) that can be in the Technical Area is two (2)
OPTIONAL – click on the S next to each player that will be starting the game on the field so that it turns green – tap again to reverse
the maximum number you can mark as starting is shown at the top of the match sheet screen (e.g. 11 for U12 and above)
OPTIONAL – click on the C next to a player to mark them as Captain for that game – tap again to reverse
absent or non-participating players are marked as not available (the A is left as red)
borrowed players are added and marked as available
Have your manager card around your neck (and check your Coach brings theirs as well!)
Have a match ball
Before the start of the match
Coach/Manager have their Team Official vests on and ID cards around their necks
Add any borrowed players to the match sheet and/or remove any others not playing
Ensure all players shirt numbers are recorded correctly
No later than 15 mins before kick-off
Final check of electronic match sheet and submit it. Check that the opposing team has also submitted their match sheet
5 mins before kick-off (for U12 and above ONLY) – The Referee will check the digital player cards for each team (methods may vary)
If there is a dispute over any of the IDs, the Referee will resolve it to their satisfaction as to whether the player is able to participate or not
If all is OK with the opposition team, open their Match Sheet and click the CONFIRM option to finalize it
Make sure you do this, as fines will apply if it’s not done
After the match is completed
Confirm the result with the referee and opposition manager
Check any Yellow/Red cards have been entered properly (and against the correct players)
Enter the final score (in the Recorder section for the match) in the Dribl app and save it
Make sure to do this at the field immediately after the game – that way you won’t forget!
BOTH teams need to enter and save the result after the game
Note: Fines will be levied by Football Canterbury if Match Sheets and/or Scores are not completed correctly, so please make sure you are familiar with the all the steps above. Any fines will be passed on to the team responsible.